Originally posted by The Hate Giver
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"No single, exclusive cause of developmental stuttering is known. A variety of hypotheses and theories suggest multiple factors contributing to stuttering.[14] Among these is the strong evidence that stuttering has a genetic basis.[24] Children who have first-degree relatives who stutter are three times as likely to develop a stutter.[25] However, twin and adoption studies suggest that genetic factors interact with environmental factors for stuttering to occur,[26] and forty to seventy percent of stutterers have no family history of the disorder.[27] There is evidence that stuttering is more common in children who also have concomitant speech, language, learning or motor difficulties.[28] Robert West, the pioneer of the genetic studies in stuttering suggested, that the presence of stutering in humans is connected to the fact that articulated speech is the last major acquisition in human evolution[29]."
Cmon bro your hate for this dude is insane.