What makes anybody think that Floyd can KO Mosley??? Mosley has never been knocked out and Floyd (with the exception of Ricky "Here's my chin hit it for free" Hatton) hasn't KO'd anybody since 2005 and even then, that was against a washed up shell of a fighter in Sharmba Mitchell.
That and the fact Mayweather was too scared to even go in and finish off Marquez, a guy that couldn't even hurt him if he landed flush anyway....
May 1st will be a snoozer, mark my words, lots of point scoring and running.... the only way Floyd KO's Mosley is if he's been weakend from loss of blood
That and the fact Mayweather was too scared to even go in and finish off Marquez, a guy that couldn't even hurt him if he landed flush anyway....
May 1st will be a snoozer, mark my words, lots of point scoring and running.... the only way Floyd KO's Mosley is if he's been weakend from loss of blood
