Mayweather, love him or hate him he wont just give up because of a rematch clause. That's just dumb of Naz to say. Very wishful thinking. Almost to the point that it seems they hope for Mayweather to just give up.
I like Naz and I like Mosley. I'm not picking them to win but I'm picking them to give Mayweather hell and to present us with the best Mayweather we have ever seen. Its disappointing to hear that this is part of there game plan. Especially since they have watched him all these years. They should know damn well Mayweather is not mentally weak in the ring.
He's one of the most BI-POLAR/Split personality sons of bytches I have ever seen. Out of the ring he's a salesmen and inside he's a TRUE and great professional. Two very different people.
I like Naz and I like Mosley. I'm not picking them to win but I'm picking them to give Mayweather hell and to present us with the best Mayweather we have ever seen. Its disappointing to hear that this is part of there game plan. Especially since they have watched him all these years. They should know damn well Mayweather is not mentally weak in the ring.
He's one of the most BI-POLAR/Split personality sons of bytches I have ever seen. Out of the ring he's a salesmen and inside he's a TRUE and great professional. Two very different people.