This fight is a classic! Fight of the Year hahahaha
Round 8 Hopins rocks Jones with a big body shot. Surprised Jones ate that **** ouch.
Hopkins working that dirty magic on the inside again. Jones gona be pissing blood after this bad boy.
Hopkins charges head first into Jones chest again. Hopkins counters awesome check hook lands right on Roy's jaw.
Hopkins landing the cleaner punches.
Hopkins starting to figure Jones out perhaps.
Hopkins with huge body shots again landed nice.
Hopkins still dominating.
1 minute to go and Hopkins gets Jones on the ropes again and unloads, mostly blocked.
Roy landing little inside uppercuts. Not too effective but they're landing.
30 seconds to go and Hopkins misses Jones sticks his tongue out on him and they hug. Hopkins thorws behind the head lands on Jones, Jones again lands behind the head on purpose on Hopkins. Hopkins gets down on one knee and starts crying. The fight is stoped again