If you use science to hide it, it is very hard to detect. Especially if the person knows when they are going to be tested since they would know pretty much exactly when they would need to start to clean up the situation.
they should compromise.
roach wants 2 tests.
schaeffer said it could be as much as 5.
make it 3. 2 random in the middle of training camp and 1 after the fight. that should be good enough.
What's with the random, multiple blood draws before the fight? Why not do it after the fight?
To my knowledge this is the first professional fight in las vegas that is now requiring olympic style testing.
Should we brand every boxer in history who didnt get tested olympic style?
First time in professional boxing a fighter has to take olympic style drug testing due to a baseless with no knowledge or evidence of steroids by a ex convict & a family full of criminals, woman beaters, tax cheats, & liars.
This is a disgusting act by the mayweathers. really de****able.
Knowing exactly when you are going to get tested makes it much easier to hide, random testing is much more effective at catching doping. Also the real gain of PED is in training and that is when they would most likly be used, if a fighter knows exactly when they will get tested they will know when they will have to cycle off to still gain the benefits but still be able to pass the test.
You should not speak about things you know nothing about~
Everything is agreed to, even the 10 Million penalty, yet Arum wants to act like the World is ending because of a blood test that was brought up weeks ago. Dude is acting like this is a new demand that was brought up at the last hour.
And if Manny fails the test after the fight- what then? What if he was to KO Mayweather, collect millions of dollars, and then he's found to have been doping. The damage is done. You don't just treat diseases, you try and prevent their onset in others; in other words, why not try and prevent the question of Manny's doping, rather than wait until AFTER the fight??
That's easy, he looses his title and license and probably be banned from boxing. YOu asked why not prevent the doping as if he is already guilty. That's my problem with this whole issue. There was never a question or su****ions until crackhead started to spread lies and rumors about Manny doping. So there really isn't any valid su****ions with any merit or credibility other than a crackhead's word. Point is, there where no smoke, yet someone yelled out fire and everyone believed it. Many of Manny's haters have already concluded that Manny is doping based on crackhead's comments. That's quite pathetic.