I disagree because he's already passed all the standard drug tests thus far.
Olympic drug testing isn't perfect, it isn't 100%, it doesn't catch everything and if you're smart and have the right people, you can get around it. I just think the Mayweathers have damaged Pacquiao's image, at least for a while.
Like I said though, we'll just have to wait and see what happens next.
I agree with a lot of what you say though and I do think Pac should eventually take the tests because he pretty much has to at this point, but personally as I stated I would want floyd to do something for me.
Well if he wants to request something (not sure what that would be) then that's fine... I just hope it's not something dealbreaking at this point.
All I can say is just lets wait and see. I mean the media can spin anything a certain way and everyone knows who the media is putting in the good guy role and who the media is putting as the bad guy. Also, when was the last time you read an un-biased article. If anything I honestly think the articles will read something like-
"team Pacquiao initially agreed to olympic style testing until camp mayweather added on additional demands"
The truth is Manny and Co agreed but didn't want to do blood work before the fight. The were willing to do it afterwards but it became too much so they went in another direction.
This ain't going down in March, I still stand by that.
I think the fight will happen. But, I agree with you I don't think happening in March. I am having doubts about the March. The fight should of been signed by now. I been saying that for 2 weeks. For the last 3 weeks they have been saying next week it will be done. And, then a new wrinkle comes. If this fight is not signed by the end of the month. I do not see this fight happening in March. Maybe September.