ok, but lets say Manny were to fight at 130 for a future weight. What kind of weight would he have to cut, and can you scientifically tell us he's losing water or muscle, and give us the exact percentages of each. 46.7% muscle, 43.3% of water? maybe some of it would be fat
No and I am not saying that I can. What I am saying is that it is important to differentiate from water weight and muscle weight. Im not saying I know the percentage, but it is certian that Manny has put on weight on his transition from SFW to WW. But that is natural, you are supposed to put on weight when going up divisions. I think if Pac didnt put on any weight and was still doing this to fighters, it would be more convincing that he was on some type of supplement.
ps...I think Pac has very little fat to lose from his body.