Cotto torn pac's right ear drum during the fight, but it has been reported that he has suffered from this injury since training camp.
This means that the injury is chronic , like concussions and spranged wrists/ ankles, it will never heal back to 100%, it will be prone to more damage, and less resistant, sustain damage more easily and with each succeeding blow, the accumulation of wear and tear compounds.
simply put, his right ear is shot. notice how pac couldn't even hear max kellerman's interview after cotto's fight, he had to lean in very close just to make the words audible.
This means that the injury is chronic , like concussions and spranged wrists/ ankles, it will never heal back to 100%, it will be prone to more damage, and less resistant, sustain damage more easily and with each succeeding blow, the accumulation of wear and tear compounds.
simply put, his right ear is shot. notice how pac couldn't even hear max kellerman's interview after cotto's fight, he had to lean in very close just to make the words audible.