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More Impressed With Pac Everytime I Rewatch It!

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    More Impressed With Pac Everytime I Rewatch It!

    I made a thread on here about it last night saying how impressed I was but then I rewatched it again last night and was even more impressed. Everytime I watch it I get more impressed. 1st of all, I dont want to act like Im better than anyone else or no more but I truly am a sports junkie. There are a bunch of times I will put something on the DVR and watch it over & over again and discet it like a coach. My favorited team is the Skins and I remember that I use to rewatch the games so much that I knew what Gibbs tendencies were. Anytime they would have a loss or a 10 yard penalty and it would be 1st or 2nd & long, he always would throw the wr screen. I use to call it out all the time and people would be shocked that I knew it but it came from watching the film.

    When you watch that Pac-Cotto fight, I think alot of people just look at it in black & white but I watch it over & over again basically inch by inch and study that Motha****a like Im Freddy Roach. I talked about this alot last night but I have to say it again because I dont think alot of people noticed it. Pac was hooking the **** out of Cotto's jab. I mean he probably did it like 10 times or something. I remember watching Floyd-Gatti and it was the 1st round. RJ was commentating at that time and I remember him saying that the speed advantage is so great that Floyd is already hooking off Gatti's jab. The way he said it you could tell that he was a great fighter that knew certain things to look for and after he said that I started noticing it. Thats something that sticks in my mind and I look for in every fight. Only guys with super speed, great awearness, and great skill can consistently pull that off and Pac did it on the regular.

    I remember watching Pac-Hatton on that 1st knock down. I remember hearing Roach I think say that there is something that Hatton does that you can tell when he punches. As soon as Hatton made a move to throw, you could see Pac waiting on it and as soon as he saw Hatton's body move, he threw that quick right hook and dropped him. It was the same in the Cotto fight. It was a great 1st round of boxing by Cotto but after that Pac was timing the **** out of him. Cotto would start the motion of the jab and as soon as Pac saw it, he was coming back with the hoook and beating him to the punch every time. 1st you have to think about the motion of both fighters. If the right hand fighter Cotto is throwing the jab and Pac is hooking then the hook is almost always going to knock you over. Thats what he did to Cotto like 5 times or more and you can see it right before the 1st knock down. Cotto throws that jab and Pac throws a quick powerful hook that made Cotto fall over some. It shocked Cotto because that has never ever happened to him before. The shock basicaly made him stand up and just pause for a second and thats when Pac jumped on him and dropped him while Cotto had his hands down.

    Cotto also has this other jab move that he does thats always money. He faints and then comes right back with the jab. It works on everyone but Roach is so great that I think that was one of the habits he was talking about Cotto having. He probably told Pac that if he ever faints then throw that hook because he's coming right back. Sure enough he fainted the jab and came back with it like 5 times and as soon as he fainted, Pac would throw that hook and catch him every time when Cotto was coming back in. People have to really pay attention to that stuff. I love that ****. You could see that it blew Cotto's mind that Pac was able to do this because it makes you feel inferior when you thought you could outjab & outbox him all fight but he's making you look like a chump. Again, thats why people are so wrong when they said that if Cotto kept using his jab then he couldve won. He did kept using it. He tried like hell but Pac took that **** away. Then there was something that came off of that. It mentaly ruined Cotto. He knew he had to use that jab to win and not get into a brawl with Pac but he also knew that everytime he threw it he was going to get countered back.

    Cotto couldnt go away from it because that was the only punch he had a chance of landing without taking major punishment but he still knew a quick bullet was coming back so that made Cotto mentaly start throwing it scared & slow. He already knew the outcome so he would only throw it at half speed which inturn now made Pac hook it every time with ease. The thing I saw late that had me dying was that Pac had mentaly damaged him so much and had it timed so well that Cotto threw a slow jab late in the fight and Pac ***** slapped him. Did anyone catch that? By that I mean, he hit Cotto with a back hand slap. Straight up. I dont think alot of people see that kind of stuff unless you watch it back alot and break it down punch by punch. When I saw that I was like this is one of the greatest performances Ive ever seen. He was like half Duran, half Sweet Pea in that *****. Im telling you that all that **** hurt Cotto way more than anything physicaly did. You could see it. He was in shocked that Pac was doing that to him because that never happeneds to an elite fighter and that wasnt just it.

    We all saw Cotto go into running mode and you all hear what I said about Pac hooking off the jab. Cotto is not an all out punk so when he was running late, there would always be times where he would stop to throw because he thought he may have Pac right now and Im telling you that as soon as he even brought his body into motion like he was about to throw a punch, Pac would catch him square in the face. Seriously, I dont think you guys can appreciate what Im saying unless you really watch it like this frame by frame. Cotto had never ever seen anything like that. Margarito was just walking him down hitting him with big shots and its the same with everyone from Shane to Clottey. This was different. Pac was hitting him with **** that he never sees until its there and he hit him alot of times as soon as Cotto fixed his hands to throw or as soon as he started the throwing motion. Its something that you would see a guy like Floyd do to a guy with a 10-15 record but he was doing this to Cotto. It was all speed, skill, and awearness. That **** blew my mind.

    I swear he got Cotto in the corner late once and Cotto was throwing or about to throw and again Pac hit him with a back hand ***** slap and Cotto flew back into the ropes. I forget at the end of which round it is. Pac didnt even hit him hard and he flew back because the blow was just so surprising to him. It was surprising how everytime he gets set to throw he's getting hit with clean flush punches that he never even sees. Honestly, it would be like if you were fighting someone in the pitch dark but they had night vision goggles on. Thats what its like to get hit by punches like that. Then one time I saw Pac going toe to toe with Cotto and throwing combos. He did something crazy like throw a right hook and then left to the body but what made it crazy was that one second later he threw it in reverse. He dug in with the left to the body and then threw the right hook up stairs. Cotto absorded that left to the body and was about to swing when the right hook caught him flush on the side of his head and it hurt him. I mean he just never knew what was coming. The speed, skill, and power was so great that it blew my mind, seriously.

    I felt bad for Cotto because I just knew what he was thinking. It was the same way Gatti felt against Floyd. He was scared to throw because Pac was always going to immediatly counter him back and it would be too fast for him to stop and he wont see the punch coming. Thats why he ran. After rewatching it a bunch of times I actually think that performance was even better than his Hatton performance. It just makes the Floyd fight that much better because Ive seen Floyd hook off of jabs and so on and Ive seen Zab hook Floyd off the jab. Its not as hard when you are talking about hooking off the jab with a Southpaw & righty because there forward arm is on the same side so both will try to do it to eachother but you have to be super fast & skilled to do it. The punch that Zab dropped Floyd on was the hook but that was on a right hand by Floyd and not the jab. Pac may catch him like that once to. Zab hooked Floyd off the jab a few times early and Floyd bent over like Cotto did but there wasnt as much power behind it. Floyd also did the same to Zab alot. I remember when Zab was hooking Floyd, it was a little different then the Pac-Cotto stuff. Floyd was like reaching in with the jab and Zab would step out of range and counter with the hook. You wont get as much power that way behind the hook but it will knock your opponent off balance. Pac was hooking Cotto straight up. Like he didnt have to step back or step out of range because he was so fast and knew when Cotto was throwing it so Pac could always put solid power behind it

    You need to take an essay writing course. That way at least someone will read your essays.

    Pac is a beast, we know.


      im still nervous about how freddie will coach manny to deal with floyds tieing up...

      manny is a beast but he needs room to punch and move, floyd will jab and throw the lead right hand then tie up...

      im hoping freddie has a plan!!!


        Originally posted by DLT View Post
        Honestly, it would be like if you were fighting someone in the pitch dark but they had night vision goggles on. Thats what its like to get hit by punches like that.
        I think you might be getting a bit carried away


          DLT you might like this article i read it at work......have only seen the cotto fight once plan on seeing it again, the hatton fight was alot more impressive the more i watched it i noticed the right hook counter started it all and that wouldve happened to a prime hatton even....


            first post! well ive been watching manny since the ledwaba fight and I realized he was very bad at inside fighting, for a guy who is such a great brawler he was only good on the outside. But watching him progress to now... his offense is pretty complete now and he can fight well on the inside as well.


              Even though that was long, I enjoyed the read. Plenty of good points in there, especially about Pac almost neutralizing Cotto's jab, and it makes me want to watch Pac vs Cotto again. I've only watched it twice so far, but could watch it many more times, but maybe not as much as you.

              However, coming up with a gameplay for Mayweather is a whole different matter, and it'll be intriguing whether Roach and Pac can come up with a game plan for someone so defensively good and speedy as Mayweather. I look forward to seeing whether they can.


                I've seen the Pac-Cotto fight fifteen times already....I'm so tired of Pac's greatness that I started watching the audience rather than he fight itself.

                I downloaded and HD version of the fight and burned it in a Bluray DVD. The **** is so clear. Because of the quality....I was able to see Barrera in the 5th or 6th row cheering for Cotto. He was so happy when Cotto connected his first jab that rocked Pac's head in the first round. I can also see how Mark Whalberg is so much a pacnuthugger.....Will Ferrel was just unemotional sitting beside Mark. Mark probably brought him to the fight....Will is not really a fan of boxing or something. The Korean chick was cute and another Korean chick 2 seats far back was also cute. Bob Arum was trying not to cheer for anyone since both are his fighters.


                  For real? Barrera was there? I know Takanori Gomi was in the house.


                    Originally posted by Chups View Post
                    I've seen the Pac-Cotto fight fifteen times already....I'm so tired of Pac's greatness that I started watching the audience rather than he fight itself.

                    I downloaded and HD version of the fight and burned it in a Bluray DVD. The **** is so clear. Because of the quality....I was able to see Barrera in the 5th or 6th row cheering for Cotto. He was so happy when Cotto connected his first jab that rocked Pac's head in the first round. I can also see how Mark Whalberg is so much a pacnuthugger.....Will Ferrel was just unemotional sitting beside Mark. Mark probably brought him to the fight....Will is not really a fan of boxing or something. The Korean chick was cute and another Korean chick 2 seats far back was also cute. Bob Arum was trying not to cheer for anyone since both are his fighters.
                    Yeah, I watch the crowd alot when something happeneds also

