That's all I been saying!! 50/50 will get it done 4 SURE!!! MANNY is a REAL fighter guys and he will fight any1, anytime, any place. Will FLOYD do the same??? I don't know? It'll shock me even if he agrees to 50/50 because we all know that MANNY will. Even if FLOYD shall squeek pass MANNY, he'll never be looked upon as being one of the greatest like MANNY is because he waited to late to fight the best!
Since when Roach negotiates fights? 50/50 is the way to go but no other B/S should be added to benefit either fighter. They can hash out what gloves and ring side etc., but no physical compromises.
Hope it gets done, wonder how is Pac gonna react with Floyd shinanighans as he did to Hatton
The only reason the 50-50 split won't work is because it makes TOO MUCH sense. We live in a time of shady deals and f'kd up contracts, so if something sounds too good to be true, it won't work.
That and Floyd's biiiatch a$s will ask for 60-40..