Originally posted by Shaolin Bushido
"When they saw Bernard they tried to ask us to take off just a little tape, but they had a half roll of tape on Trinidad's left hand. This is why people say he has a good left hook. David Reid paid a big price, Trinidad took away the fighter in him."
He never said anything about the hand being wrapped improperly, other than that.
From what Boricua posted, that amount of tape seems to be common and legal, at least in some states. Maybe not where Trinidad was fighting Hopkins - I don't know.
But, you're right. THe stuff Boricua posted is not 100% proof that Trinidad is not cheating. But I wouldn't say there's a hell of a lot of proof that he is cheating either. It would be pretty bad to tarnish a good boxers career with a scandal based on little more than heresay and conjecture.