Originally posted by P.WILL
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Who should Cotto fight next?
Hatton.. it would be epic, both losing to Manny. Loser retires.
Mosley I think would smother him, as well as Margarito.. or maybe I'm wrong, it's just that Manny looked so good and sharp and made Cotto look bad.
I wish all the best for Cotto though, he's one of my favorites.
cotto needs time to gather himself
At this time I want to say cong**** to Manny for the great fight and for making history. At this point I belive cotto should take this to time to gather himself and see where he is at or wants to be. Not to take anything from Manny cause he is one of my favorite boxer. But the Miguel Cotto I saw that fight is only a former image of himself. I guess its true that the Margarito fight really took its troll on him. Cotto should take his time to think dose he really want this or not. And if he dose he should get back with his Uncle even though they had problems his uncle had his ass straight and winning them fights like the champ he is.
Stay clear of Mosley. Sure he beat Mosley. But this aint the same Cotto. Mosley would stop him in 6.