Fookin A! I welcome this news. His voice alongside Larry, George, Roy, Max, Emmanuel Steward, Harold Lederman, and even the Spanish interpreter between rounds are like family to me and boxing has not been the same without them. Another guy I wouldn't mind seeing added to these commentators is Bobby Czyz simply because he wasn't so bad and the guy is a great guy who needs the gig.
Fookin A! I welcome this news. His voice alongside Larry, George, Roy, Max, Emmanuel Steward, Harold Lederman, and even the Spanish interpreter between rounds are like family to me and boxing has not been the same without them. Another guy I wouldn't mind seeing added to these commentators is Bobby Czyz simply because he wasn't so bad and the guy is a great guy who needs the gig.
Jerry Olaya...or Ray Torres (Spanish interpreters). I always preferred Ray Torres, myself. But yes, boxing is just not the same w/out HBO. At least SHO had Al Bernstein, and Shobox w/the great Barry Tompkins, but since they both left all this current stuff is TURRIBLE. Also, just FYI, Bobby Czyz has brain cancer. There are pages set up to donate to his cause, as he was broke and working as a grocery bagger before getting his diagnosis. I was stunned to learn both items of news.
Fookin A! I welcome this news. His voice alongside Larry, George, Roy, Max, Emmanuel Steward, Harold Lederman, and even the Spanish interpreter between rounds are like family to me and boxing has not been the same without them. Another guy I wouldn't mind seeing added to these commentators is Bobby Czyz simply because he wasn't so bad and the guy is a great guy who needs the gig.
I hope this isn't against the rules. Just sharing the Gofundme page for Bobby Czyz - brain cancer that affected his nose and & neck I guess. Awful!
Jerry Olaya...or Ray Torres (Spanish interpreters). I always preferred Ray Torres, myself. But yes, boxing is just not the same w/out HBO. At least SHO had Al Bernstein, and Shobox w/the great Barry Tompkins, but since they both left all this current stuff is TURRIBLE. Also, just FYI, Bobby Czyz has brain cancer. There are pages set up to donate to his cause, as he was broke and working as a grocery bagger before getting his diagnosis. I was stunned to learn both items of news.
Ray Torres was the GOAT - "Let me put some water on your balls!"
Fookin A! I welcome this news. His voice alongside Larry, George, Roy, Max, Emmanuel Steward, Harold Lederman, and even the Spanish interpreter between rounds are like family to me and boxing has not been the same without them. Another guy I wouldn't mind seeing added to these commentators is Bobby Czyz simply because he wasn't so bad and the guy is a great guy who needs the gig.