Man,, Morrell must have a granite chin. He took those uppercuts and didnt flinch. He's geting pummeled around the ring.
1-0 Benavidez. Nice bodywork. Morrell is very aggressive and active but not landing anything.
2-0 Benavidez. Very accurate work. Morrell is still very aggressive but taking shots.. you can see them.
3-0 Benavidez. Just much more accurate. Morrell lands a few decent shots, but 90%+ are on the gloves.
4-0 Benavidez. Dude's landing BOMBS and Morrell keeps taking them. Morrell has a solid chin so far. Bena takes a good counter too at the end of the round.
5-0 Benavidez. Morrell is throwing shots, and they're all missing, and missing very wide. Bena continues with excellent placement, great bodywork. Morrell tried to goto the body a bit too.
6-0 Benavidez. Dominant round, nothing to say. Morrell threw 10 shots or less. Maybe he hopes Bena gets tired.
Morrell is outclassed. He's hoping for a miracle.. puncher's chance. Maybe Bena overcommits and eats one of those counter left hooks (he ate 2 big ones)