Bouie stopped training Bernard because his wife got sick, and Bernard went up to Big Bear for the Taylor rematch. The air was too thin and weather too tough for the 75+ year old Fisher, and, again, his wife's health was very frail.
As for the lawsuit - I have never ever heard of a trainer getting a % of PPV upside.
Even moreso, I distinctly remember Emmanuel Steward, whom I can't stand, remark about how Bouie Fisher was one of the most well-compensated trainers in the sport, which is ironic when you consider how tight Hopkins is known for being w his money.
Hopkins brought Fisher back for the DLH fight. He didnt have to, but when asked about the reconciliation, Hopkins remarked, among other things, that Bouie deserved to be a part of it.
I can tell you from sitting in on a handful of Ex's camps WHILE Fisher was still there, that Brother Naazim did most of the hands on training.
There were a lot of hangers on in Hop's camps who did nothing - maybe carry a duffle bag or a water bottle, and expected to be paid...ESPCIALLY Bouie's two sons - James and Andre.
Bouie's gotta be pushing 82+ years old. Im telling you right now this lawsuit is probably being driven by James Fisher and NOT Bouie.
Bouie stopped training Bernard because his wife got sick, and Bernard went up to Big Bear for the Taylor rematch. The air was too thin and weather too tough for the 75+ year old Fisher, and, again, his wife's health was very frail.
As for the lawsuit - I have never ever heard of a trainer getting a % of PPV upside.
Even moreso, I distinctly remember Emmanuel Steward, whom I can't stand, remark about how Bouie Fisher was one of the most well-compensated trainers in the sport, which is ironic when you consider how tight Hopkins is known for being w his money.
Hopkins brought Fisher back for the DLH fight. He didnt have to, but when asked about the reconciliation, Hopkins remarked, among other things, that Bouie deserved to be a part of it.
I can tell you from sitting in on a handful of Ex's camps WHILE Fisher was still there, that Brother Naazim did most of the hands on training.
There were a lot of hangers on in Hop's camps who did nothing - maybe carry a duffle bag or a water bottle, and expected to be paid...ESPCIALLY Bouie's two sons - James and Andre.
Bouie's gotta be pushing 82+ years old. Im telling you right now this lawsuit is probably being driven by James Fisher and NOT Bouie.
Nice info. Hate to say this but you could sorta tell Bouie was losing it a bit. I noticed it in the first Taylor fight. Sad
Bouie stopped training Bernard because his wife got sick, and Bernard went up to Big Bear for the Taylor rematch. The air was too thin and weather too tough for the 75+ year old Fisher, and, again, his wife's health was very frail.
As for the lawsuit - I have never ever heard of a trainer getting a % of PPV upside.
Even moreso, I distinctly remember Emmanuel Steward, whom I can't stand, remark about how Bouie Fisher was one of the most well-compensated trainers in the sport, which is ironic when you consider how tight Hopkins is known for being w his money.
Hopkins brought Fisher back for the DLH fight. He didnt have to, but when asked about the reconciliation, Hopkins remarked, among other things, that Bouie deserved to be a part of it.
I can tell you from sitting in on a handful of Ex's camps WHILE Fisher was still there, that Brother Naazim did most of the hands on training.
There were a lot of hangers on in Hop's camps who did nothing - maybe carry a duffle bag or a water bottle, and expected to be paid...ESPCIALLY Bouie's two sons - James and Andre.
Bouie's gotta be pushing 82+ years old. Im telling you right now this lawsuit is probably being driven by James Fisher and NOT Bouie.
he should get paid for time served...not like boxing has retirement pay...