pretty good interview but for some reason I think him & Shane have been hanging out alot and talking non stop about how theyre getting unfair treatment which makes him start to resent what Floyd is getting
pretty good interview but for some reason I think him & Shane have been hanging out alot and talking non stop about how theyre getting unfair treatment which makes him start to resent what Floyd is getting
Yeah I think I saw another video of Shane looking a little heated at the post fight conference. He kept his composure.
damn..strangly he said floyd was the best fighter of this generation at first...trying to piss floyd off to get him to fight shane..bhop you need to handle your own buisness
Good find Broni. I felt like Bhop would like nothing more than to ease his way into a fight with Mayweather. He knows Money May would give him abetter fight than a lot of guys iMaywen his own weight class. Not an easy win. Hell I would rather see that fight than any of the fight on the table for Floyd.