Altough you have a coherent point, I dont give a ****.
The fight weight was 144 and he didnt made weight.
My point is that he is a unprofesional ***** for first not making weight and second wasnt he a small WW?
Werent his nuthuggers saying, oh FLoyd could make 135 if he wanted too?
I guarantee you he will be over 150 pounds fight night.
I get what you mean, it isn't the point and all, they signed a contract, fair enough.
The idiots that said he can make 135 are ****** and don't listen to them, most fighters have nut huggers, like Pacquiao stans saying Manny is top 5 ATG.
He might be 150+, if his body has changed through the layoff... he might have grown into his body more so he might weigh a bit more on fight night than usual, but from what we have seen in the past he usually weighs around 148 on fight night, 149 being the most against Baldomir... but I understand he has been away for 2 years so it might be a little bit bigger than usual, kinda like easing himself in.
Maybe he just needs this fight to get back to normal, easing himself in... even though he stays in shape he has been away... the layoff might have had something to do with it, cause when people said he is quite small at WW he was before he retired... dunno about now cause like I said his body might have changed, still though... small WW or not, its still WW IMO, and it aint an excuse for a Cotto or Mosley fight not to happen... other reasons saying why it didn't is fair enough, but saying he is small is ******, cause even though he is smaller at the weight than most people, WW is WW.
No. It means that the Floydstans are idiots and that it's now a proven fact.
Most stans are idiots, for every fighter... most Floyd stans are idiots who act like Floyd is the only fighter who exists, same as Cotto and Pacquiao stans... you can't label one fighters nut huggers as the only idiots... the reason guys call them nut huggers is cause they act ****** and like there favorite fighter is the only guy that exists.
I think it proves that more than "Floyd can make 135".
I cant be the only one who has noticed Floyd looking WAY bigger and filled out recently.
My mate said the same, I wouldn't say WAY bigger... but he is a bit bigger... could have been natural bulk from the layoff though which might ease down by his next fight should he beat JMM, who knows.
By the way your other post was right, just because one person says something doesn't mean its right... its just an opinion, loads of people say all sorts of ****.
LOl wasnt he to small to fight at WW, but cant even make his own stipulated weight of 144?
I bet the SOB will come in at 154+ pounds in the ring!!!!
Mayweather is a certified *****, I hope JMM KHTFO!!!!!!!!!!
hey ****** floyd didn't even come in 154+ in his only fight at jr. middleweight, what makes you think he's going to do it tonight? When was the last time floyd even came in over 150lbs on fight night?
So because Floyds "nuthuggers" say that he can make 135... that means that he can?
Cmon reed, I know you're better than that.
You know what he means.
For years, *****s have insisted he can get down to 140 and 135 even, despite the more level headed posters trying to educate them on how the human body works as we get older.
Floyd couldn't make weight, not surprising since many of us never thought he could get to 140 much less 135 to begin with.
What is surprising is how a supposed focused and all time professional and boxing history buff to boot, would scam not only his opponent, but the public as well.
All of that takes a huge **** on their perception of being able to make 140, or their claims of him being this tiny welterweight.