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Arum Blasts Mayweather Sr. Over Pacquiao Steroid Talk

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    Originally posted by Jiddu Dali View Post
    Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation.

    all Mayweather did was state his opinion. HE said HE thought Pac was on supplements...he never said steroids...who cares what he thinks...and all of you are talking sue?..SMH

    Hey...if you maliciously and falsely accuse a person of committing a criminal act or of some other act that would damage that person's reputation.....then it's actionable slander/lible.

    Implying or accusing Pacman of using steroids in the media, which is what Floyd, Sr. is himself accused of slanderous.

    Of course Floyd Sr. would have an affirmative defense if the accusation is proven to be true.

    Just a layman's understanding of the law....hope it helps.


      Originally posted by Jiddu Dali View Post
      Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation.

      all Mayweather did was state his opinion. HE said HE thought Pac was on supplements...he never said steroids...who cares what he thinks...and all of you are talking sue?..SMH

      No it isn't you ****** Floyd stan. There is limits. You don't have the right to tell someone you are going to kill them for example.


        Originally posted by Jiddu Dali View Post
        Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation.

        all Mayweather did was state his opinion. HE said HE thought Pac was on supplements...he never said steroids...who cares what he thinks...and all of you are talking sue?..SMH

        This poster is an idiot moron.....

        Ugly Mayweather Sr said "Pacquiao will not win against PBF with steroids or without "

