look like he was in espn2 2005 head busting competition. i bet he always be smellin mcdonalds. he be at home smellin mcdonalds down the block talkin bout"u smell that". and i know i know his nose aint ever stuffy.
look at those glasses. now u know and i know that bouie fisher saw that bernard hopkins was going to lose to jermaine taylor with them 4 inch thick coke bottles. he foresaw the future like nortadamuse. the last i heard about the fro is he might get it braided or he might go don king now thats serious OWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!
that is one tired lookin person that eubanks thing.
Originally posted by mystyal2k5
look like he was in espn2 2005 head busting competition. i bet he always be smellin mcdonalds. he be at home smellin mcdonalds down the block talkin bout"u smell that". and i know i know his nose aint ever stuffy.
look at those glasses. now u know and i know that bouie fisher saw that bernard hopkins was going to lose to jermaine taylor with them 4 inch thick coke bottles. he foresaw the future like nortadamuse. the last i heard about the fro is he might get it braided or he might go don king now thats serious OWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!