Originally posted by Asian Sensation
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And that's because Golden Boy doesn't make a huge effort to sell cards that are normally based out off of normal HBO money. They don't need to make bank on those.
Even though, that's changed you could argue since Diaz has sold out a lot of his fights. GBP is becoming smarter with location of fights, which attracts more fans.
You're also basing off 25 years off promotion and experience compared to...6 or so GBP has had. GBP hasn't had the chance to really have any key prospects.
Oh and Manny Pacquiao really isn't a "Bob Arum" upbringing. He was first put on the map and then adored when he crushed Marco Antonio Barrera. He wasn't with Arum then.
Arum normally matches his prospects with better competition, but that is based off of 25 years of experience, not 6 like DLH has. DLH mostly has bigger names for now, but is slowly raising prospects with events such as his fight night club.
But in terms of promoting a big time fight, GBP has made extra strides the last two years in order to take advantage. They promoted the **** out of lesser cards in Marquez-Casamayor, Lightweight Lightning, etc.
They are putting Marquez-Mayweather in theaters. They've advanced. Also they've become smarter with fight locations and fight cards. They're starting to make better quality undercards and match ups.