Erik Morales hands down
No announcement yet.
Currently, who has the best chin.
Originally posted by mic573Officially Morales was knocked down in the first Barrera fight but it wasn't really a knockdown.
that's why a personally don't count that one as a knock down
YOu should actually watch the Golota vs Tyson fight. In that fight Tyson landed possibly the hardest punch I have ever seen him land square on Golota's head. Golota got right back up from it and won the following round. Then he quit, which at the time seemed inexplicable. But he had a neck fracture or skull fracture or something. They even show Tyson's corner as Golota is walking off and Tyson says "I hurt him."
About the Lewis fight, lets see you take an injection of Vicadin straight into the veign or just swallow 4 vicadin then go out there and fight lennox Lewis.