The old man is sour, good grief. And it just goes to show that Boxing is still the money maker and that's why you all these dudes trying to get their foot in the door. If UFC was such commodity you wouldn't have Fat Dan trying to get into boxing as well. I remember in the mid-2000s and 2010s everyone was claiming that the UFC was going to take over combat sports, well, I think it's safe to say it didn't happen, UFC has reached it's ceiling. And by no means I'm not saying UFC isn't profitable, but the Million buy's they get here and there ( mostly if Mcgregor fights) is the best they can do, not to mention they charge less than boxing, so it's less money. All I'm saying, Boxing is still King in 100+ years of history, I know I'll get responses from the UFC fans, but don't bother, you can talk to me when the UFC holds both PPV and live gate records, otherwise....
Million here and there? Every PPV event held last year hit well over a million buys with the exception of one. Just because someone puts up 6 mil doesn’t mean it’ll hit one million buys. Unless Nelo, Pac-Man or a big HW fight is happening boxing isn’t going to pull a million. You read it here first.
Lol Bob is seriously losing his grip on his fighters and losing the plot full stop. I've been looking forward to these purse bids more than I'm looking forward to the fight itself.
How much would it cost to start a boxing league analogous to the UFC or Bellator? Starting small, youd have to start with unsigned fighters but eventually it could grow and push out these promoters. Bob is doing the opposite of promoting his fighters. Hes actually seriously saying his top fighter isnt worth much.
Two of them (Crawford AND Teo).
The only two guys on his stable that stay in the headlines besides Tyson Fury - according to Arum - aren't worth the money. He's PUBLICLY said that about them.