im gonna keep this somewhat short..but first i want to express my opinion i do not think williams should be in there with pavlik. when i watched wright-williams i noticed wright's punches in the early part of the fight stunned williams a few times and wright is a pretty soft puncher.
anyway here is my analysis, i see a slugfest for about 3 to 4 rounds with williams moving his head and using angles and pavlik pressuring him, i see williams throwing alot of punches and pavlik throwing his one two, i see williams punches having almost NO affect on pavlik and pavlik's having a huge affect on williams, and i see williams completely broke down by the 3rd or 4th round and kelly landing his one two and follow up hook to drop williams, but williams gets up and tries to fight but gets completely knocked out after getting up. Pavlik by brutal TKO in the 3rd or 4th round.
look everyone thinks kelly is extremely easy to outbox after what b-hop did to him. but bernard hopkins is bernard hopkins. paul williams has decent movement but is no bernard hopkins. also kelly would be the biggest guy williams has ever been in the ring with. i think they are about the same height with pavlik being much physically stronger. so i really dont see williams having a chance in this fight AT ALL..i might get heat for it but im just speaking my opinion. also im not a fan of either of them so there is no bias in my analysis what so ever. opinions? thoughts?
anyway here is my analysis, i see a slugfest for about 3 to 4 rounds with williams moving his head and using angles and pavlik pressuring him, i see williams throwing alot of punches and pavlik throwing his one two, i see williams punches having almost NO affect on pavlik and pavlik's having a huge affect on williams, and i see williams completely broke down by the 3rd or 4th round and kelly landing his one two and follow up hook to drop williams, but williams gets up and tries to fight but gets completely knocked out after getting up. Pavlik by brutal TKO in the 3rd or 4th round.
look everyone thinks kelly is extremely easy to outbox after what b-hop did to him. but bernard hopkins is bernard hopkins. paul williams has decent movement but is no bernard hopkins. also kelly would be the biggest guy williams has ever been in the ring with. i think they are about the same height with pavlik being much physically stronger. so i really dont see williams having a chance in this fight AT ALL..i might get heat for it but im just speaking my opinion. also im not a fan of either of them so there is no bias in my analysis what so ever. opinions? thoughts?