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Williams vs Pavlik at middleweight

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    Paul Williams has what it takes to beat Kelly Pavlik,but the only problem I see is that if Williams stops boxing,and try's to brawl with Pavlik that would be a big mistake on his part.If Kelly lands a straight right hand flush on PWill's chin,that would probably end his night.So I pick Kelly Pavlik by late K.O, all Kelly has to do is turn it into a Brawl


      Originally posted by raisenop3 View Post
      I agree - Pavlik with the KO!!
      WIlliams brings too much heat for Pavlik to take. He moves too much as well. Paul moves on angles throwing from way outside.

      BHOP showed how to dismantle Pavlik and Williams is more than capable.


        Originally posted by DeafCon View Post
        An inactive 36 year old Winky is better than Sturm and any other paper champ at 160? Are you serious?
        Winky would beat anyone of those fighters,u know it,inactive or not those guys aren't elite!!!Winky has'nt taken that kind of punishment in forever,do u really think any of those guys could have done that to Winky,no way!!!

