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Margarito vs Santos II fight video, you be the judge

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    Margarito vs Santos II fight video, you be the judge

    Alot of people talk about this fight with out even have seen it(mostly marg haters, pwill fan boys) Santos is the obviously bigger guy and harder puncher which margarito was handling pretty well. Very obvious margarito was on his way to victory so here you go enjoy

    Fight night weight


    Total punches


    power punches


    Rest in piece un-informed santos fight bashers
    Last edited by ANDROID_DOES; 11-27-2008, 01:28 PM.

    Haters fail to realize Santos was the bigger guy at 154, and they still say Margs should fight at MW. lol

    I honestly feel if this fight would of been in the States, Margs would of been allowed to continue and win.


      This fight was a helluva slugfest. I had it even thru 6, wit Marg takin every rd after up to the cut stoppage. He got robbed on a hometown decision.


        I don't see this as a loss for Tony. It was clear that he was going to make his impact in the championship rounds. The momentum was shifting, in spite of the cut.

        If the fight doesn't get stopped, Tony definitely wins that fight. In my head, the only person to ever actually beat Tony is Williams, and that fight to me was more about what Tony didn't do.


          Originally posted by mangler View Post
          This fight was a helluva slugfest. I had it even thru 6, wit Marg takin every rd after up to the cut stoppage. He got robbed on a hometown decision.
          that's about as accurate as it gets.


            I watched the fight and IMO Margo should have be the winner, the fight was in Santos home town that's why he was the winner. It was a close fight but Margo did better than Santos I think


              Which cut was worse, the Margarito in this fight OR the Marquez vs Pac 2 one????


                I think it was a bull**** stopage,I have seen worst cuts, but I had Santos ahead at that time. Margarito would of probably won if the fight had continue. They should have a 3rd fight to settle this!!!!!!!!!1


                  Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
                  I think it was a bull**** stopage,I have seen worst cuts, but I had Santos ahead at that time. Margarito would of probably won if the fight had continue. They should have a 3rd fight to settle this!!!!!!!!!1

                  I agree with this. I had it about even, or maybe Santos by one round but Margs was coming on.


                    Props to the TS for this. Surely one of the Marg haters will pop in here wit the "Santos, you win" vid.

