Unfortunately like most of the crap that comes out of Bernard Hopkins mouth he can't back it up in the ring. It's all just hot air and the white boy comment is no different.
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Never Let A White Boy Beat Me
abadger is right. You can't simply pretend that we live in a world free of racism where all comments hold the same weight. You have to take into considering racism blacks have faced, both past and present, to understand why "white boy" and "black boy" are different. I don't think anyone is saying the "white boy" comment is OK, but in my opinion it's nothing worth getting upset over because there is power backing such a comment. It's the difference between being hit with a wiffleball bat and a wooden bat. The intentions of trying to hurt some is wrong but the pain felt is much different.
hopkins was selling the fight, and he did worse to tito. i agree with you on double standard thou.Last edited by AsianGambler; 07-08-2008, 05:12 AM.