Originally posted by Domain
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just because you know a lot of them doesn't mean they make up a major percentage of the population in that area.
communities stick together. if you meet one puerto rican girl obviously they're gonna have a lot of puerto rican friends. they might not make up a sizeable percentage of the population but since you are introduced into their circle of friends you run into them more than a usual person would.
example , i live in the san fernando valley in la which is predominantly latino , white and with a sizeable filipino , vietnamese and korean community. all my life i've never met a cambodian person living in the valley. i made one friend who was cambodian and i find there's this one apartment complex with about
30-40 cambodian families and i met 100's of cambodian people. they don't make up a large part of the community but i ended up meeting a hundred people of that race. doesn't mean there's a lot of them in my area though.