Round 2 - Cotto goes back to the body. Cotto back to the jab. Mosley hitting straight punches to the body. Cotto with a hard right. Mosley's right eye is starting to swell. Cotto doubling up with the jab and Mosley tries to get his off. Mosley with a left hook. Big right hand lands for Mosley. Three lefts crosses for Mosley as Cotto stands his ground and they begin to fight. Round scored for Cotto.
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Cotto - Mosley round by round
Originally posted by The Underboss View PostRound 1 - Shane starts jabbing and goes to Cotto's body. Cotto jumps in and gets tied up. Cotto getting off with his own jab. Mosley jabs and goes to the body. Cotto now landing his jab. Right hand and a left for Cotto. Cotto goes to the body and now pushes Cotto back with a combo. Cotto with another combo. Mosley with a right hand. Cotto back to the body. Round scored for Cotto.
Round 3 to Cotto on my card. Shane with some good shots but Cotto more in controll.
29-28 Cotto.
They trade bodyshots to begin the round. Cotto lands a right uppercut on the inside. Mosley lands a big right hand, followed by a blow to the body. They trade left hooks. They trade big left hooks yet again. They exchange to end the round. Close round, slight edge to Mosley.