Originally posted by ADP02
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1. Showed you a woman that wasn't treated in a hospital. And it's foolish to say that you can't be treated at home when treatment is an IV.
2. Gave you a link about Vitamin C's use. In fact gave you a couple. You came back with more bullshlt from your ass. No source. Just your own thoughts...and you were already proven wrong.
3. Dos Santos didn't go to the hospital. They both felt it before the fight. They both went through with their fight. Which means it was likely mild and became worse (having the potential to become very serious like Stiverne), which is why they didn't have to be hospitalized initially like you claim and made it through full fights. Thankfully, Mayweather was treated to the point that he had no issues after his fight. Common sense. That proves you're wrong.
4. Dehydration may have been caused by another affliction. That is the point.
5. His medical records were filled out AFTERWARDS...thus the retroactive TUE, fool. LMAO
GIve up. As far as I'm concerned I've proven my point and your long soliloquies are just a waste of time since you now realize you can't disprove rhabdo, which means you lose.