ALL SUCCESSFUL fighters must have it. That quality signified by a glint in the eye or the ability to rumble an opponent verbally, or to put a thumb where it shouldn't go and perhaps leave a head in a place it shouldn't be. Let's call it the devil, without the capital D.
Ali, Tyson, even Sugar Ray Leonard, all had the devil, while Frank Bruno and John Conteh didn't have enough of it. 'It' is best summed up as an ability to enjoy hurting an opponent, and in the early years of his career, Alex Arthur of Edinburgh alwawys had the devil inside.
Ali, Tyson, even Sugar Ray Leonard, all had the devil, while Frank Bruno and John Conteh didn't have enough of it. 'It' is best summed up as an ability to enjoy hurting an opponent, and in the early years of his career, Alex Arthur of Edinburgh alwawys had the devil inside.