let's analyze the timeline.
burley was a nobody before 1938.
while armstrong was a welterweight champion
burley won vs. zivic X2 and cocoa kid, clearly better than bobby pacho, howard scott, richie fontaine, joe ghnouly, phil furr...
while zivic was a welterweight champion
burley won all his matches, clearly better than red cochrane in 1941. cochrane made his first defense 4,5 years later (this hurt a bunch of fighters). burley was a middleweight then.
tony zale was the middleweight champion during the war. he "unified" in 1941. and his next defense was graziano in 1946. (this hurt ezzard charles more than burley) zale and graziano went on to have a trilogy (who can blame them? brutal and popular fights). his next defense and final fight was cerdan. so zale could have given burley a title shot instead of graziano in 1946. or instead of cerdan in 1948.
cerdan defended against lamotta, lost and died.
lamotta's defenses were mitri and dauthuille in 1950.
burley retired after that. based on this, the champion who "ducked" burley the most was armstrong, followed by zivic (they shared a manager while zivic was a champion guaranteeing they wouldn't fight each other), zale and lamotta. if you want to blame some fighter for burley not having a more successful career, armstrong and lamotta are better choices than robinson.
burley was a nobody before 1938.
while armstrong was a welterweight champion
burley won vs. zivic X2 and cocoa kid, clearly better than bobby pacho, howard scott, richie fontaine, joe ghnouly, phil furr...
while zivic was a welterweight champion
burley won all his matches, clearly better than red cochrane in 1941. cochrane made his first defense 4,5 years later (this hurt a bunch of fighters). burley was a middleweight then.
tony zale was the middleweight champion during the war. he "unified" in 1941. and his next defense was graziano in 1946. (this hurt ezzard charles more than burley) zale and graziano went on to have a trilogy (who can blame them? brutal and popular fights). his next defense and final fight was cerdan. so zale could have given burley a title shot instead of graziano in 1946. or instead of cerdan in 1948.
cerdan defended against lamotta, lost and died.
lamotta's defenses were mitri and dauthuille in 1950.
burley retired after that. based on this, the champion who "ducked" burley the most was armstrong, followed by zivic (they shared a manager while zivic was a champion guaranteeing they wouldn't fight each other), zale and lamotta. if you want to blame some fighter for burley not having a more successful career, armstrong and lamotta are better choices than robinson.