I think McCall could win them all a 90s era *****s most of the 40s heavyweights tbh technical aspects of boxing have evolved so much since .
Plus Sharkey and Schmeling barley weight around 195 to small for modern or 90s heavyweight.
Ah true i was thinking the same when i posted. Mccall could be too powerful for the two class guys on that list. Baer would be interesting though. Could that right damage mcall? Unlikely but who knows?
Let's see how good his chin is against six oz horsehair gloves. This is a man who squalls and blubbers during heavyweight championship fights. He would probably beat Carnera, if he could keep his eyes dry long enough.
Let's see how good his chin is against six oz horsehair gloves. This is a man who squalls and blubbers during heavyweight championship fights. He would probably beat Carnera, if he could keep his eyes dry long enough.
Obviously, I'd put my money on McCall in all of those fights. But Schmeling would make it competitive. And I really do believe Max Baer and Galento present a very real threat.