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why were there no tall heavyweights......

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    Excuse me mate, I just told you how you can come across it. Instead YOU made the ridiculous claim otherwise in the first place which I know is false so where is your source? You can't have one I know because it isn't true.

    You made comment on something you THOUGHT you knew but you did not.


      And just to shut you up now I will look for the source soon.

      How dare you accuse me of lying! llol


        Originally posted by Tommo1 View Post
        Excuse me mate, I just told you how you can come across it. Instead YOU made the ridiculous claim otherwise in the first place which I know is false so where is your source? You can't have one I know because it isn't true.

        You made comment on something you THOUGHT you knew but you did not.
        If you cannot back up your claim, it's worthless. Someone could state the exact opposite with just as much validity.

        You are dismissed.


          Its all to do with better nutrition, that is why people are on average living a lot longer and are much bigger. Go back to the begining of 20th century and most children was lucky to have 3 square meals a day. so they was not developing properly.


            Originally posted by violaandme View Post
            sorry its the air I breathe the air I see and logic which you obviously lack so where do you get your info doing your own tests when in the 1800's
            Air pollution in cities in the 1800s was way worse than they are in cities today. I wasn't around then but it is well documented. How do you think people cooked before electricity and natural gas? (coal, coke, wood) or had light? (oil lamps). Indoor pollutants were terrible. And in the industrial cities factories and ships bellowed out smoke as not seen today. It's been getting progressively cleaner over the last 100+ years as improved engines and fuels have been developed.

            Cities are also way cleaner. Running water and indoor plumbing is a recent development. Nightsoil isn't being dumped in our gutters anymore. Sewers work. Streets are cleaned.


              Originally posted by Tommo1 View Post
              Another "POET exposed" moment where he tries to discredit a proven statistic.

              Most everybody in this "back water country" I live in knows that steroid and growth hormone are used in livestock which comes to us via milk and meat and has definitely had an effect on us, most strikingly noticed in young girls growing **** at younger and younger ages and getting their rags.

              Your living in the 17th century POET!
              is everyone just going too ignore what this Pedophile is writing.. the guys admits too looking at young girls undeveloped breasts and you guys just allow this??
              Last edited by Stuntman Mike; 08-21-2013, 09:44 AM.


                Whatever **** head!


                  Originally posted by Sugarj View Post
                  Whilst there has been a gradual increase in the size of heavyweights over the decades, there have always been huge guys campaigning in world class;

                  Fulton, Willard, Carnera, Abe Simon, Buddy Baer, Ernie Terrell, Gerry name a few. Its just that their smaller contemporaries were usually better!

                  For all that the last 20 years have dealt us Lennox Lewis, Rid**** Bowe, Valuev and the it really realistic to say that they'd have beaten the likes of the better smaller heavyweights? I've got a feeling that prime Louis, Liston, Ali, Foreman, Holmes, Tyson and Holyfield would all do rather well head to head/prime for prime. Obviously Holyfield did well against Bowe and Lewis......


                  The size for a heavyweight has in reality not changes substantially. It so happens that Lewis and the Klits were big heavies but not enough of a correlation exists to state that the average size of a heavyweight champion has increased....and oh how I wish the idiots who say it is evolution would pick up a book on Darwin's theory of evolution!


                    Originally posted by New England View Post
                    college. classical greek was a huge part of my curriculum at university. we had to have socio/political context from the period for it to make any sense. that was information given to me by a classics professor, who i can assure you knows more about the period than you do. 130 lbs was the average. these were tiny men.

                    if you're looking at buried bodies you're probably talking about nobility. the men in the entry level of the army in sparta [or anywhere else] were poorly fed, would be viciously overtrained by adulthood. they wouldn't be healthy and robust like the wealthy people who are being burried.

                    rofl @ your "picture evidence."
                    With all due I like your posts, your contention is laughable and utter BS. It reminds me of the Sino scholars who thought the Samnurai were all 4 feet because many high ranking Samurai had a model set of armour made for decorum. USE SOME COMMON SENSE!!


                      Originally posted by bklynboy View Post
                      In a previous life I was a doctoral student in medieval history. The skeletons were not from tombs - they were from all the excavated skeletons.
                      To even put fourth the contention to which you are offering a competing view means that someone did not think an idea through....Your attempt at what should take a little common sense to discern for New England reminds me of an argument I had as an 8 year old with my old man as we walked to Yankee Stadium.....I told my daddy that Joe Dimaggio had hit a baseball from Calfornia to New York City. My old man tried....after I obviously was not yielding He sort of laughed a little

                      OH and: regarding pollutants in cities? lets not forget about leaded gas. Again, more assumptions from people...troubling assumptions that belie an inability to reason.
                      Last edited by billeau2; 08-21-2013, 10:15 PM.

