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Foreman's prediction for Tyson-Holyfield back in '91..

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    Yeah, sounds like they do. And it was more of a shoulder lock, not an armbar. And Tyson even said afterwards he wanted to break his arm. WTF. Frank Mir used the same hold to beat Pete Williams in a UFC fight. Holyfield was juicing though. So I'd say they're both cheaters, just Tyson a little more so in the ring. I remember bakeries on the TV news talking about selling chocolate ears, with bite marks baked on too.
    Last edited by Anthony342; 10-17-2012, 01:52 AM.


      Originally posted by Mintcar923 View Post
      We all know Mike was no angel in the ring throughout his career but he never overdid it. And I'm sure he wasn't whining to the ref. He was most likely warning him. Like if he gets drastic, I will too! Look at what Holy did to Hasim Rahman with those headbutts. I suppose he owned him, as well??

      Actually, even with the headbutts and steroids you Tyson fans so desperately cling to.....Holyfield did not actually own Rahman. Certainly didn't own him (or many other heavyweights) the way he owned Mike.

      The hardest thing for Tyson fans to accept is that Evander Holyfield is a far tougher human being and more of a true warrior than Tyson ever was.


        Originally posted by jabsRstiff View Post
        What helped more was Tyson's frontrunning ways. Mike fought dirty throughout his career but whined to the ref and didn't wanna fight when **** got rough.

        Holyfield owned Mike Tyson.
        Tysons antics never had any impact on the outcome of his fights ... Holyfield went beyond Tyson's occasional elbowing or rough housing ... he literally used his head like a weapon ... he used it like his fists

        Holyfield only "won" because of the headbutts

        Tyson hurt him within the opening seconds of the first fight before Holyfield started cheating and was punishing him in the second match before he started his nonsense again


          Originally posted by TysonBomb View Post
          Tysons antics never had any impact on the outcome of his fights ...
          Tyson vs. Orlin Norris
          Tyson vs. Holyfield II


            Originally posted by TysonBomb View Post
            Holyfield only "won" because of the headbutts
            Face it everybody loses it is the nature of the game. Holyfield was just the better man those nights. Even Tyson admits it now. His fans need not rely on excuses all these years later if Tyson doesn't himself.


              Originally posted by TBear View Post
              Tyson vs. Orlin Norris
              Tyson vs. Holyfield II
              Tyson-Norris: Mike's "after the bell punch" was noticably not very hard and Orlin just took the paycheck and ran...

              Tyson-Holyfield II: Mike's thinking- Butt me once, OK.. Butt me twice, OK no prob.. But if I get butted a third time I'm gonna friggen chomp on your ear. That's what my dad had told me happened at the time... And I tend to agree...


                Originally posted by Scott9945 View Post
                Tyson never overdid it? You mean the UFC armbar he put on Botha wasn't over the top? I won't even start with the most famous foul in boxing history he committed against Holyfield. Geez, Tyson apologists really do just see what they want to.
                Botha was getting rough inside so Tyson got rough back. At least, those were his words. I explained above why he bit Holy in the rematch. And, I'm not a Tyson apologist. I agree with the Lennox Lewis mentality in that if someone fouls you should not foul back. But, I'm sure Lennox was tempted to foul Evander back in the 10th round of their first fight...


                  Originally posted by Mintcar923 View Post
                  Tyson-Norris: Mike's "after the bell punch" was noticably not very hard and Orlin just took the paycheck and ran...
                  The Las Vegas boxing comission thought it was a blatant foul and told Tyson to quote, "Take his act elsewhere" because after that they didn't want Tyson to fight there anymore.

                  Basicly no matter how good Tyson was, he had anger issues and a lack of control. Blaming that loss of control on others is just a form of denile. It took Tyson years to finally accept responsibility for most of his actions. Apparently it even takes fans even longer.
                  And for the record, I was a Tyson fan but he was what he was.


                    Originally posted by TBear View Post
                    Tyson vs. Orlin Norris
                    Tyson vs. Holyfield II
                    The Orlin Norris fight was strange

                    Tyson hits Norris at the bell when they're clinching and Norris is just laid out and hurts his knee? I don't even see how that shot could drop Norris and it didn't even look like he went down awkwardly or anything ... definitely not enough to hurt his knee but who knows ... Norris walked back to his corner without limping or showing any manifestation or expression of injury and xrays came back negative for any kind of damage to his knee.

                    And the Holyfield rematch stuff was in response to what Holyfield was doing. Mike definitely should've been DQed for that, no question but he understood that no one was going to do anything about Holyfield cheating.


                      Originally posted by Mintcar923 View Post
                      Botha was getting rough inside so Tyson got rough back. At least, those were his words. I explained above why he bit Holy in the rematch. And, I'm not a Tyson apologist. I agree with the Lennox Lewis mentality in that if someone fouls you should not foul back. But, I'm sure Lennox was tempted to foul Evander back in the 10th round of their first fight...
                      You say you're not a Tyson apologist, yet your preceding words do exactly that. And in the previous post before this you're rationalizing his hitting Norris clearly after the bell. It's hard not to draw conclusions based on that.

