Originally posted by sonnyboyx2
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I have not changed my tune at all, its just that ive never gone into in detail and told you what i really think about the situation. I have given your the facts which has annoyed you, that no matter which way you put it Bowe DID!! avoid Lewis, now im just saying i dont think Bowe avoided Lewis because he was scared and i also think that Rock Newman had a big part in his decisive not to fight Lewis, that said its Bowe's career and the buck stops with him so strictly speaking he did! avoid Lewis. Im just as much in the Bowe corner on this as im in the Lewis corner. The reason i have not said this before is because saying that would satisfy your insecurities.
In essence ive been loathe to say i dont think Bowe ducked Lewis (per say) because that is something you want/need to hear me say, not because its truth but because you feel it vindicates you for hating on Lewis some more.
I say it now because im done arguing with you and im looking to put this stuff to bed instead of bickering over and over again.