But still he had only fought 13 times before he met Sanchez.
Queenie equate what the people of Ghana traditionally did to boxing. What they did previously was basically a bare knuckle fist fight. Different rules, different circumstances. Ghana has produced 8 world champions in the modern era.
Queenie equate what the people of Ghana traditionally did to boxing. What they did previously was basically a bare knuckle fist fight. Different rules, different circumstances. Ghana has produced 8 world champions in the modern era.
Depends where in history!
You had to have seen it before. If I give credit to Greece folks cry about Egypt or Sumer or where ever else they found older art that depicts punching and do not care that those versions of "boxing" did not lead to modern boxing.
Egypt doesn't have champions because boxing for them is a WWE like show and the winner is always pharaoh, but it's still boxing doe, so says some folks
So, it's a bit eye of the beholder isn't it? And Semantics.
I think Dambe or whatever is just as fair as any other outside "boxing" sport like Muay Thai but imo only boxing is boxing. Greeks, Brits, Americans, the world. Everyone else is just face punching.
Because where did stuff like no S E X before a fight come from? Egypt? Sumer? Ghana? Nigeria? Nah, a bro called Klietomachos only went and won the pancratium, boxing, and wrestling to become a "Heavy Champion", and when asked what his secrete was he said he avoided *** at all costs and refused to even be witness. Folks made fun of him during training for refusing to watch stray dogs mate.
All the way until the modern era young men have abstained from *** to perform in sports with 0 science 0 nutrition 0 real evidence and with the source story lost to most they don't even know why they do it! They just do it because athlete handed ideas to athlete for 3 thousand years ...this is boxing!
Muay Thai can have the same techniques, it just means men discovered what works independently around the planet. The system that we use was handed to us from the brits who learned it from the italians who got it from the romans who found the greeks that started it all. To me it is beautiful. Common man's history going back 3k years supported by NOTHING but other common men. Woof brah. 3k years men have taught men how to fight to make money and not be in poverty. That is boxing! That is gorgeous! That's the spirit of all our kin.
Out of interest, Klieto is Roman not Greek.
Last edited by Marchegiano; Yesterday, 10:04 AM.
Reason: didn't realize sex is censored. Bet it isn't here and bet I can slide a fuck.