Originally posted by Bundana
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It's not exactly the same but I think similar. Distance runners don't look like bodybuilders for a good reason. 160-140 at 6 foot for distance runners last I knew. Because it's an endurance sport.
In the world of cycle it's about 150 '5'10 give or take a few pounds and inches.
Rowing is one that avails itself a little more to strength. They have two divisions, LW and HW, Light is 160 and under, Heavy is above 160 with the ideal weight, for men, being around 205. A far cry from 265. People not in the know may think LW is faster than HW because smaller people are faster but the strength of the HW division disproportionally propels their boats. HW rowing is faster because they are stronger despite being heavier. With this knowledge alone one might assume a strongman would be a great rower, but, at their size they struggle with the endurance aspect of HW rowing and end up dead in the water.
Not trying to say I know for sure or anything like that but I do strongly feel the rules of the sport changed who can be effective far more than anything else. Conversely I do believe if rowing was done in short distances larger men would have more success. Think in terms of lifting. Thor lifted over 1000 pounds while weighing no where near 1000 pounds. That's a lot of force in the water. If Thor was to go one stroke a piece against a 205 lifter no one should be shocked to see that force displayed in speed.