Here are some links to some "Closet Classics" stories from MaxBoxing on fights that might not have been the biggest at the time, but turned out to be classics nonetheless.
Somebody may get on my case about posting these, but to me, these are great reads.
Junior Jones vs. Paul Ingle (I remember seeing Junior Jones on Tuesday Night Fights on USA)
Kevin Lueshing vs. Chris Saunders II
Kastuya Onizuka vs. Thanomsak Sithbaobay II
Somebody may get on my case about posting these, but to me, these are great reads.
Junior Jones vs. Paul Ingle (I remember seeing Junior Jones on Tuesday Night Fights on USA)
Kevin Lueshing vs. Chris Saunders II
Kastuya Onizuka vs. Thanomsak Sithbaobay II