I watched the joe frazier trilogy, foreman fight, and then his last ones. I felt sick in the stomach watching the larry holmes fight, because ali was an ill man, I dont have a clue how he got licensed.
Heres the question though... what was the last fight Ali fought at 100% natural health?
In my opinion even during the last frazier fight I could already see the puffy/slightly blank eyes and that he didnt have full control of his body, it was already weakening. This is quite obvious to me because he looked like a bobble head toy, where as normal guys can move their head sharply, Alis head just bounced around, and he count move it away from anything remotely resembeling a punch.
I see a lot of knowledgeble boxing people on this side of the forum (as opposed to the non stop boxing side so please..
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Heres the question though... what was the last fight Ali fought at 100% natural health?
In my opinion even during the last frazier fight I could already see the puffy/slightly blank eyes and that he didnt have full control of his body, it was already weakening. This is quite obvious to me because he looked like a bobble head toy, where as normal guys can move their head sharply, Alis head just bounced around, and he count move it away from anything remotely resembeling a punch.
I see a lot of knowledgeble boxing people on this side of the forum (as opposed to the non stop boxing side so please..
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