Referee comments post fight:
George Siler, the referee
"Gans put up the weakest article of fight ever witnessed in Chicago. HIs every effort was weak and he acted as If he were not trying. His blocking, however was all right but his hitting, of which so much has been said, was not In evidence. I do not like to accuse a fighter of faking, but will say that Gans' work had all the earmarks of a fake.”
George Siler, the referee
"Gans put up the weakest article of fight ever witnessed in Chicago. HIs every effort was weak and he acted as If he were not trying. His blocking, however was all right but his hitting, of which so much has been said, was not In evidence. I do not like to accuse a fighter of faking, but will say that Gans' work had all the earmarks of a fake.”