By Alexy Sukachev

Being a famed criketeer doesn't meen you can be a good boxer. This was proven moments ago at the Manchester Arena, where local cricket superstar Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff (1-0), made his prizefighter's debut at the heavyweight limit - and he was pushed, well, to the limit by 23-year old American import Richard Dawson (2-1). Flintoff was better overall but went down after a left hook by Dawson in the second, which put his win at risk. The sole scorecard read as follows: 39-38 - for Flintoff.


Former amateur star Bradley Saunders (5-0, 3 KOs) continued to impress. Saunders, 26, outpointed extra tough Irish journeyman Peter McDonagh (18-27, 2 KOs) - 78-74 - in his first career eight-rounder. Tough-as-nails McDonagh did his best both to survive and to land some punches in return, but Bradley's skills were simply unpareiled. Saunders has never been close to stop the Irishman but dominated the fight with considerable confidence.
