?By Eric 'Sugar Foot' Duran

The WBC, led by President Mauricio Sulaiman, the leading boxing agency when it comes to community service, has done it again.

If you follow Rocky Mountain Boxing closely, you'll notice the story about Cheyenne native Gabe Montoya beating cancer recently. It was a tremendous story as many from the around the region have followed Montoya since he was a young boy, chasing his dreams of becoming a professional boxer. And although Montoya is cancer free and in good spirits, the medical bills piled up while he was knocking cancer out.

Here is how the news was received:

Dear Stephen,

I'd like to inform you that Mr. Gabriel Montoya has been awarded $6,000 USD from the WBC Jose Sulaiman Boxers Fund. Congratulations!

Please provide updated bills for payment as soon as possible. We will be in touch with you regarding next steps on how to coordinate the disbursement of the award.

Thank you.



Jane Papa Ramos

Director of Operations / Finance Administrator

Nevada Community Foundation

Good-Morning Jane!

That is some Awesome & Beautiful News, I will get a hold of Gabe asap, and get you all the updated bills.

On behalf of the Gabriel Montoya Family. I want to Thank everyone from Jose Sulaiman Boxers fund panel, and the WBC for the consideration of including Gabriel for this Awesome Award created in the Legacy of Don "Papa" Jose Sulaiman, it's totally an Honor, this news is currently some awesome news besides them finding out his cancer is in remission finally!

Wow, Raylene & I are just so Happy for him! (Special thanks to Chris Morris for Helping Gabe get all his paperwork together) Our WBC Rocks!

May you all Have Blessed Holiday's!

Thanks Again Respectfully,

Stephen Blea WBC R/J

Recently, the WBC, through Stephen Blea and Chris Morris, have donated $6000 towards Montoyas medical costs, "First I want to thank Stephen Blea for thinking of me and reaching out to the WBC. Secondly, thank you to Chris Morris for being the middle man and getting me the paper work from Blea. And lastly, the WBC for continuing to be a caring and compassionate organization in the boxing community," stated Montoya.

My dad always said, "Sometimes it's not what you know but who you know."

"Just happy to be able to help out a longtime friend from Wyoming. To know that the WBC took the time and effort to help someone out so generously is incredible to me! All the thanks really should go to Stephen and Raylene Blea, their WBC Cares Program is second to none and they are always making a difference in someone's life. This is just further proof. Montoya knows some great people." said Morris.

Montoya has begun slowly training again as he focuses on regaining his strength while focusing on the amatuer team at his gym, "A lot of focus from my dad and I has been getting Isaiah Tafoya ready for the US National Championships." Montoya stated he will jump back into boxing 100% on January and hopes to step through the ropes once again, between February and March.