Pensacola, FL - Roy “Captain Hook” Jones Jr., fresh off  Saturday night’s dismantling of Jeff “Left Hook” Lacy in Biloxi, MS, is sending notice to all boxing pundits.


“I showed on Saturday night against Jeff Lacy that I have the best hook in the business,” said Jones.  “And I am the only one that can throw either one of those hooks 5 or 6 at a time.  No one can match that.  I would like for someone to show me who can throw those combinations, OR who has quicker hands.  I don’t see it.  Anything a great boxer needs, I have it.  Skill for skill, I am the best.”


“As far as the pound-for-pound best goes, they’ve got it all messed up.  It’s not supposed to be a fashion show, but it has turned into that.  Pound-for-pound is about being the best boxer – effective speed, combinations and power.  I can show them anything they need to see at any time.” 


“Manny Pacquiao is at the top of the list and is a great fighter, but even he has not displayed a better hook.  Bernard Hopkins can’t throw three or four hooks at one time and he is not as entertaining to watch than I am right now.  The Roy Jones that was in the ring on Saturday night, no one could beat.  Roy Jones is back!”


Jones played to the fans on Saturday night and at one point was working Lacy in the neutral corner when a fan yelled out “Roy, knock him out - right on top of the Square Ring logo.”  Jones looked at the fan, took a step back and connected on a five-punch combination that had Lacy out on his feet and darned near went down right on the logo. 

In other news, Bernard Hopkins was on the Calvin Murphy radio show last night and an associate of Jones got hold of Roy so he called in to join the conversation that soon turned into a fight negotiation.  Jones came to the conclusion that “Bernard is scared,” and here are some highlights…


Bernard Hopkins:  Money has been the issue for the past ten years with us.


Roy Jones:  How much will you give me


BH:  I will make it a 60:40 split


RJ:  How about 60 to the winner and 40 to the loser


BH:  Now you want to make a contest out of it.  I don’t need Roy Jones.  It could wind up in the judges hands and you never know what will happen.


RJ:  You pick the judges.


BH:  If RJ will take 40, we can get it done before the year is out.  But if not…


RJ:  He already has an L on his record from me and he is trying to make me take 40 so he can prove that I am the lesser man.  But if will make it 60 to the winner and 40 to the loser I will take my chances with that.


BH:  Do you think I would make more money fighting Roy Jones than I would a young stud like Adamek or Dawson?


RJ:  Bernard doesn’t want to fight me.  Why would he want to fight me?  He’s having fun now at this point in his career.  He doesn’t want to take that gamble.


BH:  Is Roy willing to go on record to take 40% win, lose or draw?

Show Producer:  How about the winner-take-all?


RJ:  That’s even better for me.


Show Producer:  Bernard are you there?


RJ:  No.  When you said winner-take-all you ran him off the phone.  He’s been doing that to me for 5 years now.  He disappeared.  That’s what happens to me. every time.


To listen to last night’s interviews on the Calvin Murphy show, go to