By Jake Donovan

Omar Henry's wish of living long enough to see his 26th birthday sadly goes unfulfilled. The unbeaten prospect was pronounced dead Friday morning, succumbing to a battle with gall bladder cancer.

Henry (12-0-1, 9KO) was 25 years old at the time of his passing - just one week shy of his birthday. He passed on while under care in a hospice, to where he was transferred following his time spent at University of Chicago hospital since December.

A career filled with promise, Henry was set for a breakout opportunity last November on Showtime's Shobox series. He was forced to withdraw after gall stones were discovered, at which point he was sent to Broward Health Medical Center for emergency care. Less than a month later, he was admitted to University of Chicago hospital, surrounded by family in his birth city. 

A full obituary/remembrance piece will run Saturday morning on 

Jake Donovan is the Managing Editor, Records Keeper for Transnational Boxing Ratings Board and a voting member of the Boxing Writers Association of America. Twitter: