By Leann 'Boxing Chick' Perez/

This time last year, Manuel Perez was getting ready to jump onto the biggest stage of his career. Perez was to face former champion Victor Ortiz on Showtime. Perez was more than ready and for two rounds Ortiz and Perez delivered entertaining back and forth blows. The third round was to be the same, until Perez got caught in an exchange that sent him down on his behind. Making it up before the 10 count, the referee still saw Perez in a daze and waved off the fight. After that, Perez looked to his wife and coaches and said this was his last time in the ring.

As the New Year began, Perez looked at his career and realized it was incomplete. Looking at his last fight with Ortiz, Perez saw a problem, a big problem. The wrong weight class always made Perez ‘the little guy’, so the solution was simple. No more fights at welterweight, it was time to move back down to 135lbs. Perez knew it would be tough, but he was determined.

Perez waited for months, almost half of 2015 went by before Perez got the right fight. DeMarcus Corley came to Denver looking for a knockout, and left with a TKO loss. After the victory over the former world champion, calls poured in, but again at the wrong weight class.

“It was tough, I’ve passed up some big names, and decent money. But I’m looking at it like this, I have a few years left to enjoy my career. I’m going to finish this the right way”, says Perez.

Perez fought Gerardo Robles in October and won by unanimous decision. After that the calls poured in again as Perez jumped into the top 5 of lightweights in the country.

“I haven’t had this much confidence in my career in a long time. Hoping for a world title shot doesn’t seem too far out of reach anymore. The more wins I’m racking up, the better my chances. There are a lot of fights to be made at 135lbs.”

The new mindset and work ethic brought on a leadership role that Perez was meant for. His team at Grudge Training Center calls him ‘coach’ and Perez receives much praise for unifying his team, and helping Marcos Herrera and Fidel Martinez Jr. take off pounds the right way. Martinez also fights this Saturday night at the Grizzly Rose, and Perez vows to work his corner, even if that means in his boxing trunks.

Perez faces Remesis Gil, just a few bouts after Martinez. This will be Perez’ third fight this year, and although it’s been long, and full of obstacles, it’s now put Perez down the right path for his dream. 2015 was the warm-up, 2016 is game time!

Quick Q & A with Manny “Manos” Perez and the Boxing Chick

Boxing Chick- “Friends on Facebook had some good questions for ya, and some silly ones did as well.

There was something about a banana hammock and your inability to make Spanish rice, but we will just skip those ones. Haha.

When will see the Hawaiian trunks again?

Manny Perez- “I’d love to show that part of my heritage, but it’s really hard finding someone who can make that sort of pattern for me. I’ll keep looking and maybe we will get lucky next year.”

BC- “Which fighters do you have your eyes on, if your victorious?”

MP-“Anyone in the top of the division. I’d like to face Michael Perez, or fly overseas and face Terry Flanagan. That dude is a beast, I think we would make a good fight.”

BC- “What’s harder? The fight, or The Gauntlet?”

MP- “If you train right, and feel your fully prepared, the fight is easy, or feels more natural. The Gauntlet is harder for sure!”

BC- “Your next opponent, Remesis Gil fought another local fighter, Manuel Lopez. Do you feel any pressure to out perform Lopez, or get the KO?”

MP- “I want the knockout anyway, but no there is no pressure. I want the win and to win impressively, it has nothing to do with Lopez.

BC- “With a rumoured comeback for Mike Alvarado, would you ever have any interest in a catchweight fight for the ‘Battle of Colorado’?”

MP- “I’d love to fight Mike, and yeah the fans of Colorado would love it too. It would have to depend on the weight, but I’d take that fight for sure.”

BC- “What is your favorite punch or combination?”

MP- “My favorite, and I feel my bread and butter is the left hook to the body.”

BC- “During your down time, who is your favorite fighter to study, and how do they influence your craft?”

MP- “Hands down, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. He was my dad’s favorite fighter and always told me, ‘chop down the body and the head will fall’. So I feel I dig to the body pretty well, that’s always in my game plan.”

BC- “What goes thru a fighter’s mind on his way to the ring?”

MP- “All my training, my hard work, the time, the sweat, the blood. Everything. My goals, and ambitions. How this fighter didn’t work as hard as me, sweat like I did, train like I did.”

BC- “Last question, what’s next for Manny Perez”

MP- “What’s next is Remesis Gil. I don’t look past or doubt anyone. He’s what’s in front of me right now. After Saturday it will be just sticking to my guns of fighting at 135lbs.