By CompuBox
6- avg. punches landed per round by Horn vs. Crawford (welter avg.: 17)
7- avg. punches landed per round by Crawford's previous 10 opponents
8 of 9- rounds in which Horn landed in single digits in total punches vs. Crawford
17%- pct. body landed/total punches landed by Charlo vs. Trout (CompuBox avg.: 23.3%)
23- power punches landed by Crawford in round nine vs. Horn, the most by a Horn opponent
30- avg. punches landed per round by Santa Cruz in two fights vs. Mares (feather. avg.: 17)
34- avg. punches thrown per round by Trout vs. Charlo (jr. middle avg.: 56)
44 to 6- edge in power punches landed by Crawford in the last two rounds vs. Horn
45- punches landed by Santa Cruz in the last round of both fights vs. Mares
48%- pct. of power punches landed by Crawford vs. Horn, the same pct. Crawford landed in his previous 10 fights
57- total punches thrown by Horn in last two rounds vs. Crawford
58- total punches landed by Horn vs. Crawford
68- avg. punches thrown per round by Trout vs. Hurd
92- total punches landed by Horn vs. Pacquiao
106- avg. punches thrown per round by Santa Cruz in two fights vs. Mares (feather. avg.: 59)
151- combined punches landed by Santa Cruz & Mares in the last round of both fights - that's more than 2x the feather. combined avg. of 68 per round
208- punches landed by Mares in rematch vs. Santa Cruz
226- punches landed by Mares in first fight vs. Santa Cruz
357- punches landed by Santa Cruz in rematch vs. Mares
373- punches landed by Santa Cruz in the first fight vs. Mares
487- combined punches thrown by Santa Cruz & Mares in the last round of both fights- that's more than 2x the feather. combined avg. of 236 per round
931- punches thrown by Mares in rematch vs. Santa Cruz
977- punches thrown by Mares in first fight vs. Santa Cruz
1054- punches thrown by Santa Cruz in the first fight vs. Mares
1061 - punches thrown by Santa Cruz in rematch vs. Mares
1164- combined punches landed by Santa Cruz & Mares in their two fights (feather. avg.: 826)
4023- combined punches thrown by Santa Cruz and Mares in their two fights (feather. avg.: 2832)