By Ryan Burton

On August 7th, 2009 Alfredo Angulo bounced back from his decision loss to Kermit Cintron by defeating Gabriel Rosado via 2nd round knockout.

We spoke to Rosado about the difference between his career then and now on The Boxing Lab, BoxingScene's official audio show. Rosado said the main difference is that he can now just concentrate on boxing and not have to worry about working a day job.  He also said that he doesn't have as many distractions in his personal life which has made a difference.     

"I had just had a newborn at that time and I was working construction putting water mains underground. At that time I could barely go for a run and go to the gym. I was so tired from work.  Now I am in a position where I don't have to work and I can just train," stated.

Rosado said that he would love to have the opportunity to face Angulo again. After a rough stretch in his career, the fighter of Puerto Rican descent has reeled off six wins in a row and feels that he would defeat Angulo if given another opportunity.   

"I definitely want a rematch. I think a fight between me and Angulo now will be a different story. I am so much of a better fighter now," Rosado revealed.

Send questions or comments to Follow Ryan on Twitter @ringsidewriter and tune in to The Boxing Lab, BoxingScene's official audio on Tuesdays. The show is hosted by Ernie Gabion, Luis Sandoval and Ryan Burton