Nice! That's cool you looked out for dudes who weren't necessarily cut from that cloth required to survive effectively in prison.
Did you associate with the ese's or the Whites? In federal prison I heard it's not nearly as rough as state prison, and the racial segregation isn't as pronounced... because there's a lot more "white collar" types and wealthy people doing time. Still, I imagine it's not the most friendly of environments.
but Bob isn't a Silicon Valley guy?? He operated in SoCal and resides now in the Inland Empire..
I'd love to hear more of your stories, doe, Z!! How old are you exactly, doe?? Am I right basing it off your picture from 2011, that you're around 50?
Did you associate with the ese's or the Whites? In federal prison I heard it's not nearly as rough as state prison, and the racial segregation isn't as pronounced... because there's a lot more "white collar" types and wealthy people doing time. Still, I imagine it's not the most friendly of environments.
but Bob isn't a Silicon Valley guy?? He operated in SoCal and resides now in the Inland Empire..
I'd love to hear more of your stories, doe, Z!! How old are you exactly, doe?? Am I right basing it off your picture from 2011, that you're around 50?