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Thanks to *****, budget deficit is getting bigger

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    Thanks to *****, budget deficit is getting bigger

    This is how he runs his business to bankruptcy. And *****diots still buying his con. Dude gave tax cut that will benefit mostly ultra rich.

    Just google budget deficit *****.

    President ***** has his work cut out for him if he wants to catch the 10 trillion dollar man.

    [IMG]//i1.wp.com/www.triceedneywire.com/images/stories/BusinessImages/barack%20*****%20and%20louis%20farrakhan%20by%20as kia%20muhammad.jpg?quality=80&strip=all[/IMG]


      Originally posted by B.UTLER View Post
      This is how he runs his business to bankruptcy. And *****diots still buying his con. Dude gave tax cut that will benefit mostly ultra rich.

      Just google budget deficit *****.
      Actually since you made the claim, you need to supply the numbers.

      And try to do it like an adult. No need for all the childish insults.

      Your data should be able to speak for itself, right?


        Originally posted by 2shameless View Post
        President ***** has his work cut out for him if he wants to catch the 10 trillion dollar man.

        [IMG]//i1.wp.com/www.triceedneywire.com/images/stories/BusinessImages/barack%20*****%20and%20louis%20farrakhan%20by%20as kia%20muhammad.jpg?quality=80&strip=all[/IMG]

        Notice the superfans didn't say a word while ***** added more national debt than any previous President.

        He just about doubled it.


          The U.S. Treasury Department reported last Friday that the federal budget deficit for the just-completed fiscal year had risen by $80 billion over fiscal 2016 to the ominous-sounding $666 billion, a number many people think is an omen for the coming of the devil or anti-Christ.

          In this case they may be right: The spending and taxing policies about to be put in place by the ***** administration and the **********-controlled Congress will balloon the federal deficit to $1 trillion or more every year going forward.

          And unlike the four consecutive $1 trillion deficits recorded during the first years of the ***** administration, these trillion dollar annual deficits will be the result of enacted changes in federal spending and taxing rather than on a temporary economic downturn. Some of these changes will be permanent. Others will need to be reapproved annually but are unlikely to be rejected in the future.

          As a result, the *****/GOP-supported $1 trillion budget deficits are the new normal .

          Here's how the annual $1 trillion budget deficits will happen.

          In July, the Congressional Budget Office projected (Table 1) that the ***** fiscal 2018 budget will result in an average annual deficit of about $677 billion between 2018 and 2022. But that took the ***** budget proposals at face value and assumed Congress would agree to all the spending cuts proposed by the White House, something that the House and Senate have already shown no interest in doing. That makes the average annual baseline deficit over the next five years closer to $750 billion.


            Too bad we couldn't pass a balanced budget *********.

            Oh wait, we tried. Dems voted it down


              Originally posted by B.UTLER View Post
              The U.S. Treasury Department reported last Friday that the federal budget deficit for the just-completed fiscal year had risen by $80 billion over fiscal 2016 to the ominous-sounding $666 billion, a number many people think is an omen for the coming of the devil or anti-Christ.

              In this case they may be right: The spending and taxing policies about to be put in place by the ***** administration and the **********-controlled Congress will balloon the federal deficit to $1 trillion or more every year going forward.

              And unlike the four consecutive $1 trillion deficits recorded during the first years of the ***** administration, these trillion dollar annual deficits will be the result of enacted changes in federal spending and taxing rather than on a temporary economic downturn. Some of these changes will be permanent. Others will need to be reapproved annually but are unlikely to be rejected in the future.

              As a result, the *****/GOP-supported $1 trillion budget deficits are the new normal .

              Here's how the annual $1 trillion budget deficits will happen.

              In July, the Congressional Budget Office projected (Table 1) that the ***** fiscal 2018 budget will result in an average annual deficit of about $677 billion between 2018 and 2022. But that took the ***** budget proposals at face value and assumed Congress would agree to all the spending cuts proposed by the White House, something that the House and Senate have already shown no interest in doing. That makes the average annual baseline deficit over the next five years closer to $750 billion.
              First off, this is mostly projections by the same geniuses who said *****'s policies wouldn't grow GDP like it did.

              Second, can you direct me to you, just once, complaining about budget deficits or added debt during the 8 years of *****?

              If you can't, please stfu with your phony outrage and superfan cheerleading. Its getting old fast.


                Originally posted by GGG Gloveking View Post
                Too bad we couldn't pass a balanced budget *********.

                Oh wait, we tried. Dems voted it down
                But it's all *****'s fault.

                The lounge Team D cheerleaders said so.


                  Originally posted by 1bad65 View Post
                  But it's all *****'s fault.

                  The lounge Team D cheerleaders said so.
                  Of course it is. We've never seen a trillion dollar deficit before.

                  Oh wait...

                  $10T in 8 years. P4P debt champ


                    Originally posted by GGG Gloveking View Post
                    Of course it is. We've never seen a trillion dollar deficit before.

                    Oh wait...

                    $10T in 8 years. P4P debt champ
                    And not a word from the Team D cheerleaders about debt and deficits for 8 years of *****.

                    Absolutely pathetic, but completely expected.

