As an elder statesman here I believe it is my duty to inform you youngsters that there was life before the year 1990. I'm always amazed at "Top Ten Movie" lists that have NO flicks before 1995 or so. I can assure you that great movies were made in the 20's-30's-40's and that there were many women of that period that were stunning. OK maybe they didn't make *** tapes (although many did pose nude), they definitely were hot.
Body types were different, however. Before Marilyn Monroe and certainly in the 20's and 30's the desired female body type was thin, flat chested (for the most part, and small. Their faces were made for the silver screen however.
OK I'm going to start posting photos and gifs.
Body types were different, however. Before Marilyn Monroe and certainly in the 20's and 30's the desired female body type was thin, flat chested (for the most part, and small. Their faces were made for the silver screen however.
OK I'm going to start posting photos and gifs.